Category Archives: Episodes

43 – Prophet by Brandon Graham

Hello Handsomites! Eric and Robbie comin’ at ya with some podcast goodness! They talk about dressing up fancy in Disney World for Dapper Day, take a look at the week’s hottest books, and talk a ton of Brandon Graham in Nerd Boy Book Club! FInally, Eric gets a shot at redemption in the Bryan Lee O’ Malley Tweet Quiz! Does he succeed? Only one way to find out! Tune in!

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42 – Planetary by Warren Ellis & John Cassaday

Hello Handsomites! Eric and Robbie bring you the best comic book podcast you’ve ever listened to once again! They ponder the insanity/brilliance of Steve Jobs, talk the latest Studio Ghibli film, and chat about D&D! They take a look at the week’s newest books, including the newly relaunched Fantastic Four! Finally, they explore the world of Planetary in Nerd Boy Book Club! So much goodness, can’t contain it all!

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41 – Civil War by Mark Millar & Steve McNiven

Hello Handsomites! Eric and Robbie are here again with the best comic book podcast there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be! They take a look at the week’s newest books, including the last issue of Mark Waid’s first run on Daredevil! They read the iconic Civil War for Nerd Boy Book Club, with a back and forth discussion about the nature of event comics. Finally, they talk glasses, Steve Jobs and the action platformer Guacamelee! A great episode, and you don’t want to miss it!

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40 – All-Star Batman and Robin by Frank Miller & Jim Lee

Oh yeah, Handsomites! It’s time for a new episode, and I know you’re excited! We’ve got reviews of the week’s new books, including one that has Robbie spitting mad! Eric checks in with Patton Oswalt’s newest books, while Robbie talks about his cats! They talk about the awful disasterpiece that is All Star Batman and Robin in Nerd Boy Book Club, and Eric gets a visit from a very special guest…the Macho Man Randy Savage…and he wants to talk about the Punisher! Don’t miss it!

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39 – Fantastic Four Pt. 3 by Jonathan Hickman

Hi Handsomites! Eric and Robbie are coming at you with podcasty goodness and you can’t stop them! They take a look at the week’s newest books, including a rave review of Ms. Marvel #1! They finish off Jonathan Hickman’s stellar run on Fantastic Four in Nerd Boy Book Club, and discuss the finer points of Dune and Tomb Raider! They also act silly! It’s crazy, I know! Drop out, and tune in!

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38 – Fantastic Four Pt. 2 by Jonathan Hickman

Hello Handsomites! Eric and Robbie are here to bring you the best comic book podcast! Ever! They review the week’s newest books, including Dark Horse’s newest licensed Firefly book, a pair of Marvel books starring Thor, and a look at Flash and Dead Boy Detectives! They continue their discussion of Jonathan Hickman’s run on Fantastic Four, and Eric is tested once again with the Bryan Lee O’ Malley Tweet Quiz! You don’t want to miss it!

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37 – Fantastic Four Pt. 1 by Jonathan Hickman

Hello Handsomites! Eric and Robbie are here to provide you with some lovely podcast goodness! They review the week’s newest books, including Black Widow #2, All-New Invaders #1, and Pretty Deadly #4! They start their three week long journey into Jonathan Hickman’s Fantastic Four run, and have a great discussion about a comparison with Identity Crisis! Finally, they bring back Random Character Generator with Sheldon the Barbarian!

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36 – Marvel 1602 by Neil Gaiman & Andy Kubert

Hello Handsomites! Eric and Robbie are talking comics once again! In this week’s stunner of an episode, they talk the week’s newest books including Miracleman #1, Garth Ennis’ Rover Red Charlie, where The Walking Dead meets Homeward Bound, and the surprise of the week in…Scooby Doo?!? They take a long hard look at Marvel 1602, the Neil Gaiman elseworlds story, and discuss Dune, and indie gaming, as they are apt to do. Great episode, folks, and you don’t want to miss it!

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